Switching on for Learning: Becoming an Independent Learner
Dr. Fidelma Healy Eames, PhD
Module 1: Your Brain & Learning Styles Chapter
Module 1: 3.30 - 8.17: 'Memory and Recall: The Short and Long-term memory'
Module 1 Quiz: 18.50: Know your Brain Quiz!
Module 1: 21.30 - Activity 1: VAK model
Module 1: 24.33 - Advice Handout: Learning Styles Advices
Module 1: 26.28 - Activity 2: Are you left or right brain dominant?
Module 1: 31.23 - Activity 3: Multiple Intelligences
Module 1: 37.45 - Activity 4: Preferred Learning Conditions profile
Module 1: 40.03 - Activity 5: Study Habits profile
Module 1: 46.10 - Activity 6: Your Summary Learning Profile
Module 2: Motivation Chapter
Module 2: see 21 mins - Activity 1, Set your Goals frame
Module 2: see 32 mins - Activity 2: Converting Dreams to Goals (Frames A and B)
Module 2: see 34 mins - Activity 3: The 'How' frame (Frame C)
Module 2: see 35 mins - Activity 4: Supporting my Goal (Frame D)
Module 2: see 31 mins and 37 mins - Activity 5: Target Grades Chart
Module 3: Managing Time, Learning to Plan Chapter
Quiz: Abraham Lincoln Quiz (see 4.31mins)
Module 3: see 34 mins - Activity 1: Weekly Time Chart
Module 3: see 29 mins - Activity 2: How good is your Time Management
Module 3: 37 mins - Activity 3: Using your Homework Journal wisely
Module 3: 39 mins - Activity 4: Study to-do list
Module 3: 42 mins - Activity 5: Master Study plan
Module 4: Reading to Learn, Learning to Summarise Chapter (revised)
Module 4: see 16.10 - Exemplar: Using 5Ws & 1H (Romans)
Module 4: see 18.39 - Video clip: How to summarise using 5Ws & 1H (The Romans)
Module 4, see 18.40 - Activity 1: KWL learning strategy
Module 4: see 28.57 - Activity 2: PQRR chapter reading strategy
Module 4: see 32.50 - Speed Reading, how does it work?
Module 4, see 40.38 - Activity 3: Notetaking strategy (see the added Note-taking video lesson in main Curriculum outline below)
Note-taking Video: How to Summarise while Note-taking
Module 4: see 47.12 - Advices Handout: Learning Maths, Science, Languages
Module 4: see 48.00 - Summarising using an Outline (see also added video clip in Module 4 Curriculum contents (next))
Module 4, see Video clip: How to Summarise using an Outline
Module 4: see Using Sketchnotes as a Study Strategy, a special contribution by Claire Comerford
Module 4, Activity 4: see 1:03:45 - Time to Self-Evaluate (summary type)
Module 4: Exemplar: Table Summary (Shakespeare's Dramas) (see video clip next in Curriculum outline)
Module 4, Video Clip: How to Summarise using a Table
Module 4, Exemplar: Mind Map (Rivers) see 1.03:15
Module 4: see Video clip - How to Summarise using a Venn Diagram
Module 5: Memory & Recall, The Study-Review system Chapter
Module 5, Activity 1: see 38.45 - Definitions Frame
Module 5, How to set up Study-Review system using Master Revision plan: see 40-47 mins - Master Revision Plan (English)
Module 5, Exemplar: Mind Map (Rivers)
Memory & Recall video: How Short & Long term memory works
Module 6: Sitting the Exam, Managing Stress Chapter
Module 6, Advices Handout: PQAR exam technique (see 16:45 mins)
Module 6, Activity 1: Physical tension checklist (see 26 mins)
Module 6, Activity 2: Mental & Emotional Tension checklist (see 27:40 mins)
Module 6, Advices Handout: Self Care & Wellbeing (see 37.30 - 43 mins)
Student Guidelines for Programme and Minimum Usage
Student Progress Checklist
Module 4: Reading to Learn, Learning to Summarise Chapter (revised)
Our Online programme has never been more relevant with the uncertainty posed by Covid19 to your education. With this exciting new blended Online programme, you can learn to develop your own skills as an independent learner, using tried and tested techniques developed by world class educators, now enjoying positive feedback from hundreds of students and their teachers. . And the prize – Our Study, Learning and Mindset skills will make learning easier for you and enable you to take control of your own learning.
Blended learning programme spanning 6 modules, offering c.15 hours of content:
Videos to bring the concepts and strategies alive, developed with Irish students (12-20 years old).
Exciting resources in each Module (all downloadable) to help students embed the learning for themselves
Discussion forum where you can reach out and ask questions pertinent to your own situation at any time during the year
Enrol in our exciting new blended ‘learning to learn’ online programme ‘Switching on for Learning: Becoming an Independent Learner’ today for the 2021/22 academic year at the Special Introductory Offer of €39.95 per individual student.
Schools & Colleges: send us your student numbers, we’ll send you a quotation. Email [email protected] or call/text 087-6776937 to discuss your specific needs and enquire about our attractive student rates.
Your subscription lasts for the academic year, until June 1st 2022.